Essential Dignity

End of Life Guidance and Support

Delivered with Kindness, Attention and an Abundance of Heart

Some of us have perhaps already lost one of our parents. As a caregiver we have the tendency to question ourselves. With our current circumstances we tussle with thoughts of how we’re going to handle this load. It feels like too much. From the perspective of the surviving parent, you find yourself in a whole new land, a new daily existence. While possibly operating out of shock, and attempting to adjust to this place of grief, which ushers in a thick, dense, fog of confusion and heartache, the surviving parent also carries the enormous worry weight that they don’t want to be a burden to their adult children.

Providing a bit of a snapshot and enhancing the description of the circumstances, it sometimes looks like this for  adult child caregivers and the surviving parent …life’s plate is full… our heart has already experienced the colossal loss of one parent. We are now trying to help our surviving parent, while possibly raising our own children, and add a professional career to the mix for some of us. We are spread thin, often weary from the load. We are not alone, there are so many of us that we’ve actually been given a name, ‘the sandwich generation’

“It’s my mother/father/loved one, how can I help…and this is terrifying!?” The thoughts are pervasive, although we may not articulate them out loud. It’s a new level of powerlessness when dealing with death and all it’s uncertainty. The commitment is there regarding the willingness to help our surviving parent, and some have siblings to assist in this chapter of life. But frustrations and fears may appear more frequently, it can be truly complex and terrifying. While every family situation is as unique as a snowflake, the common denominator in these situations is that they are complicated, and typically exhausting on our hearts, minds and bodies.   

For both the surviving elderly parent and the family, some guidance, encouragement and compassion, during this sacred final chapter is welcomed support. At Essential Dignity we guide families through this life chapter of mortality, which ushers in healing, proper goodbyes and reduced regrets. As an organization utilizing our expertise on such a complex subject, our services provide guidance, allowing a person to LIVE their final chapter with choices, clearly understanding what they want in their final chapter.

Clarity replaces the frightening unknown, with reduced fears one can attempt to fulfill their final dreams. As guides we provide the Preparation Tool Box. This plan offers the elderly and their loved ones realistic preparation for the uncertain and overwhelming path ahead. False hope is not a plan, the elimination of unnecessary suffering and confusion is indispensable.  We know it’s overwhelming, but don’t neglect our approach to prepare. Let us help you in taking a load off.